The sensor device measures the strength of the patient's fingers in flexion and extension. The software then uses artificial intelligence to evaluate the measured values of the severity of various symptoms and dynamically optimizes the exercise parameters to the specifics of the patient.

How the device works
1. Diagnostics
2. Rehabilitation proposal
3. Adaptive rehabilitation
4. Evaluation
The prerequisite for successful rehabilitation is the precise evaluation of the patient's condition and monitoring of the development of his condition over time. Our system is based on the evaluation of the strength of flexion and extension of individual fingers. The results of the diagnostics are presented to the treating physician in a simple form.

Adaptive Rehabilitation
Artificial intelligence optimizes the parameters of rehabilitation exercises to allow the patient to return to their original abilities as quickly as possible. This is possible thanks to machine learning technologies that, based on repeated evaluation of the patient's condition, look for the most suitable exercises for him.
The exercise modules are selected by the doctor and the parameters of the modules are optimized by machine learning. We focus mainly on the use of the ability of the CNS to adapt to new conditions in the presence of appropriate stimuli (neuroplasticity).

Interactive exercises
Due to the repeated evaluation of the patient's condition during game exercises, artificial intelligence can dynamically optimize the exercise parameters to the specifics of the patient. Intelligent optimization of exercise parameters reduces the number of necessary interventions and shortens the rehabilitation process.

Use in treatment
Fine motor disorders of the hands
Conditions resulting from developmental disorders, cerebral palsy, dyspraxia, psychomotor problems, and similar issues.
Neuro-degenerative diseases
Age-related decrease in strength and deterioration of motor skills.
Neuro-rehabilitation, coordination disorders, paresis, and to some extent spasticity.
Post-traumatic conditions
After soft and hard tissue injuries.
How the project started
Rehabilitation of motor disorders is a lengthy process demanding on human resources. We strive to simplify this process by using computer games that increase motivation to perform exercises and optimize the exercises performed by artificial intelligence.
About us